**POSTPONED** – History Workshop: Roundtable on Public, Radical & Digital History

UPDATE: postponed until JUNE.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are postponing this event until June 2023. Further details of new time and date to come.

Friday 24 February 2023, 18:00 – 20:00
Birkbeck Clore Management Centre

Book your place

What does radical history look like in a digital era? For the past thirteen years, History Workshop’s online magazine has been trailblazing in historians’ use of the digital to make the production and communication of history a radically democratic activity.

Join us on Friday 24 February from 6-8pm, at Birkbeck’s Clore Centre, to celebrate the launch of History Workshop’s new website.

A roundtable of History Workshop editors – past and present – will discuss the practice and politics of public history. What creative and digital methods of communication can we use to platform a wider range of voices and histories? Why is bringing the past into dialogue with the present is more urgent than ever? How are changes in the nature of the university shaping public history, and vice versa?

Julia Laite, Professor of History, Birkbeck
Marybeth Hamilton, coordinating editor at History Workshop
Rosa Campbell, editorial fellow at History Workshop
Elly Robson, managing editor at History Workshop

More t.b.c.

All welcome. Book here.

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