History Workshop 9, Britain Between the Wars, took place at Ruskin College between Friday 2 May and Sunday 4 May 1975. As had become usual by this time, social-cum-cultural events were held on Saturday evening, with the alternatives of the film Fly a Flag for Poplar or a live performance of music hall songs of the 1930s.
A number of sessions were held, including ‘Adult Education’, ‘Literature and Society’, ‘Work’, ‘Family and Marriage’, ‘Popular Culture’, ‘Social Class’, ‘Films’, ‘London Between the Wars’, ‘Working Class Tory’, and ‘Ideology’. Papers presented included The WEA Between the Wars, Writers and the General Strike, Politics and Deference at Rishton, Lancs., and Free Love and Feminism. Ticket sales for this Workshop were so high that sessions had to be run more than once in different venues in order to accommodate the large number of people attending.
As had become usual by this time, papers were presented by a mixture of teachers, students, and activists representing political groups, universities, adult education colleges, and other academic institutions. Some of the sessions at this Workshop included the study of various aspects of the inter-war period from a specifically feminist perspective. Although the previous three Workshops had covered topics chosen in light of the growth of feminism, this Workshop represented an attempt to combine the presentation of feminist scholarship with that of scholarship which was not necessarily primarily feminist.

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